![Lee Miller - Star Ledger Articles](images/starledgerheader.jpg)
October 6, 2013
The best company to work for is in the eye of the job seeker Speaking to knowledgeable people in the industry will give the broadest perspective on a company
September 22, 2013
Miller: A traditional résumé still a powerful tool when job hunting According to a recent survey, seven in 10 advertising and marketing executives said they prefer traditional resumes from candidates applying for creative roles at their company
September 8, 2013
Students should work toward their first jobs while still in college A recent survey of employers reported significant "deficiencies" among students entering into the workforce
August 25, 2013
Looking for a career switch? Here are some tips Find a position that leverages your core strengths and ties them back to a field that interests you
August 11, 2013
Miller: Stay under the radar while job searching from your office Technology makes job searching easier but also opens new ways in which employees can find themselves in trouble
July 28, 2013
Miller: Virtual interviews present myriad challenges and opportunities For phone or video interview, take control of the environment. Find a place that’s quiet, clutter-free, and well-lit
July 14, 2013
Miller: Experts lay out strategies to land a full-time job Let your boss know that you are interested in transitioning to full-time work within the organization, then find ways to demonstrate your commitment and desire for an increased level of responsibility.
June 30, 2013
Miller: Keeping good workers takes more than a generous paycheck During my years running human resources functions at major companies, what kept employees from leaving was the quality of management, particularly their immediate supervisor
June 16, 2013
Miller: Expert advice on getting the most out of an internship Treat an internship like a class: Do your homework and show up prepared
June 2, 2013
Miller: The pros and cons of getting a job with the government Job seekers should consider positions in state and local government, where growth is expected to be greater than at the federal level
May 19, 2013
Miller: Summer doesn’t mean you can wear anything under the sun to work
May 5, 2013
Miller: More employers are adding mobile career websites, but the list is still small Job candidates should maximize their social footprint by ensuring online profiles include key industry words or phrases
April 21, 2013
Miller: Career advice by those who speak from experience When it comes to career advice, everyone is quick to offer their "two cents."
April 7, 2013
Miller: Job outlook is good for grads who have the right skills Employers anticipate hiring 13 percent more new college graduates this year than last, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers
March 24, 2013
Communication is key when dealing with your new boss Experts say employees should respect the new boss’ direction, whether they initially agree with it or not
March 10, 2013
Yahoo flap spotlights the pros and cons of telecommuting CEO Marissa Mayer's recent decision requiring company employees now working from home to come into the office elicited outrage from some quarters
February 24, 2013
Note to job-seekers: Tactics seen on 'The Job' reality show won't work One career coach advised against competing against another job candidate, instead focus on "presenting the best that you are and your potential to add value over time"
February 10, 2013
Miller: Hiring experts help you nail interview questions Go over these commonly mishandled interview questions so you don't blow you shot at a new job
February 6, 2013
Miller: It's never too early to start thinking about your second career
January 13, 2013
Experts offer tips for millennials about to enter workplace The 21- to 31-year-olds are not only expected to enter, and move up, in the work force but they also face obstacles not encountered by prior generations