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Contact Information:
Telephone: (917) 690-0029
E-mail: ahrgrp@earthlink.net

Lee E. Miller Discusses Unemployment on Fox & Friends
Lee E. Miller Discusses Job Tips on Fox News
Lee E. Miller Speaks About Telecommuting on Fox & Friends
Lee and Jessica Miller Discuss Every Day Negotiating on The Early Show
Lee E. Miller's ABC News Interview on Salary Negotiations
Lee E. Miller Speak At The University of West India Leadership Conference
Lee E. Miller Discusses Negotiating When There's Competition
Lee E. Miller Discusses Preparing for Negotiations
Lee E. Miller Discusses Negotiating Your First Job

ABC News "Excerpts A Woman's Guide to Successful Negotiating"
CBS NEWS "How to Benchmark Your Salary"
CNN "How to Negotiate Severance"
New York Times "In Job Hunting The Pas de Deux of Seeker and Offerer"
Fast Company "Negotiate Like A Car Salesman: 5 Tactics To Help You Win Every Time"
TheLadders.com "How to Return to the Workforce at Any Age"

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